Glaucoma is a chronic, progressive eye disease. It is caused by an abnormality  drainage system of the eyes, which causes fluid to build up behind the eyes, thereby damaging the optic nerve. If left untreated it can lead to progressive vision loss, even to blindness.


Physical symptoms include:


Hazy and blurred vision. “Like everything is covered in dust”

Eye pain which can become severe.

Redness of the eyes

Seeing coloured haloes around light sources.


The lowering of the fluid build-up and the associated intraocular pressure (IOP) in the eye is considered the main strategy for slowing the progress of the disease.

A normal IOP is in the range of 12-21 mmHG and any measurement  > 21mmHg is considered a definite risk marker.

Conventional medicine says Glaucoma is incurable and treatments are aimed at slowing the progression of the disease. These treatments include eyedrops, laser and microsurgery. A lot of the time these treatments can cause distressing side effects.


Homeopathic treatment of acute symptoms of Glaucoma


Some remedies  can help alleviate some of the acute symptoms as they arise. Here are three that can be used in the acute situations:


1.    BELLADONNA. Where there is a sudden increase in vision loss, with very red eyes and a severe and violent pain in the head. Nausea and vomiting can occur due to the sudden extreme painful situation.


2.    ATROPINUM. (Also one of the chronic remedies). It is very similar to Belladonna with sharp and neuralgic pains around the eyes but has more visual disturbances. Objects can appear large with haloes (red can predominate). A very dry mouth is a strong indication for Atropinum.


3.    PRUNUS SPINOSA. The sensation of the bulging of the eyeball feels like the eyeball will burst.

4.    SPIGELIA. For sharp, stabbing pains in and around the eyes that are worse when actually using the eyes. Worse when turning the eyes, worse when engaged in fine work where the eyes need to be agile.



Homeopathic chronic treatment of Glaucoma


There are many homeopathic remedies that have power over the optic nerve and the inner workings of the eye. In one repertory there are listed 36 such remedies. Accordingly, any treatment of Glaucoma necessitates a full and comprehensive case-taking by a professional homeopath to find the most similar remedy and to lay out a protocol of the optimum potency and frequency of the doses. Obviously, any prognosis of the possibility of cure depends on the severity of the case.


The use of IOD is a good indicator of progress, or lack of. Generally, when on a homeopathic protocol for Glaucoma, the patient is encouraged to get their IOD measured regularly by an optometrist, firstly after 10 days, then every two weeks. Then when the IOD drops below 21mmHG and stays there, they have more confidence in ceasing the conventional treatment and staying with the effective homeopathic regime.



The following are the well-known remedies that have had good success with arresting and, in lots of cases, reversing the effects of the disease.


1.    OSMIUM. For high IOD. Lots to do with colour changes. Many different types of colour changes around objects looked at. Especially green around candlelight (also Phosphorus). Any kind of rainbow colour distortions or iridescent colours. It has the violent supra- and intra orbital pains.


2.    PHYSOSTIGMA. Useful for Glaucoma after injury. It has dim, blurred vision and/or partial blindness. The pain is worse after using the eyes. The Glaucoma can come with myopic symptoms as well as astigmatism and ciliary neuralgia.


3.    PHOSPHORUS. A very good remedy for the damaged optic nerve itself. The eyes tend to be tired all the time with blurred vision. Sees haloes around lights and disturbances of vision.


4.    COMOCLADIA DENTATA. Pain and fullness in the eyes. The eyes feel very enlarged at night and feel like they are protruding. The eyes are worse near a heat source. Even the sun can affect the feeling of enlargement and the pain. It is worse in the right eye (Left=Cedron).


5.    CEDRON. Severe, violent radiating pain and the pain may radiate down to the nose. The onset of the pain can be periodic at regular intervals. For Glaucoma that mainly affects the left eye. (Right= Comocladia Dentata)


6.    GELSEMIUM. Pain in the eyes with disturbances in the accommodation. Heavy and dull eyes.





Ferrum Phosphate 6X and Sodium Sulphate 6X. will help in the repair of tissue and can be used along with prescribed constitutional remedies.




STYES and chalazions


Understanding chronic illness