STYES and chalazions





There are so many big and academic words to do with medical eye conditions that can confuse. Two of those are Hordeolum and Chalazion, both used as synonyms for Styes. The main difference between a Stye (Hordeolum) and Chalazion is that the Stye appears on the outside of the eyelid, whereas a Chalazion appears as a bump and is on the inside of the eyelid. Another difference is that a Stye is painful and a Chalazion is usually painless.


 Styes and Chalazions are both caused when oil glands (Meibomian glands) get blocked. Meibomian glands secret oil which, together with tears, lubricates the eyelids and protects the eyes. When these glands get blocked the build-up of stagnant oil can get infected.


A Stye is named ‘internal’ when the Meibomian gland is infected or ‘external’ if the eyelash follicle or sweat gland is infected.


A Stye is a red, painful lump on eyelid near the eyelashes that may look like a boil or pimple. The eyelid becomes swollen then develops into crusty suppuration and there can be photophobia (sensitivity to bright light).

Homeopathic treatment is very effective in aiding the body to dissolve Styes, both in the acute situation and, also, where Styes have a tendency to reoccur.

There are several choices of remedies for both Styes and Chalazions and, if the homeopathic remedy is differentiated and chosen according to the law of similars it will improve immunity and promote healing at the cellular level.


The following remedies are suggestions only and the whole health condition should always be taken into account. The choice of potency is another important consideration. If it is a simple uncomplicated Stye or Chalazion, the 30C potency will usually suffice, Some potencies have been shown to work better for some conditions. For example Staphysagria 200C is more effective for Chalazions. If you are thinking of using high potencies, especially deep acting remedies like Thuja, it is advisable to seek the advise of a professional homeopath, who will also be able to advise on the frequency and duration of the dosing. In some cases, followup remedies are needed.






Some common remedies for Styes:


FERRUM PHOS for the first stage where there is redness, pain,

                         and swelling.


PULSATILLA is always the first one to think of when there is a yellowish

                      discharge and the eyelids become crusty and stick together.

                      It is especially indicated for the upper eyelid.


HEPAR SULPHUR when the discharge is more purulent, with the eyelids

                     sticking together and the stye is very red and painful.


EUPHRASIA is indicated when there is excessive tears and burning sensations

                    accompanying the Stye formation.


SILICA is for the last stages of the Stye when pus has been formed.



After a Stye has finished the acute suppurative stage, a painless node or nodule (cyst) can sometimes remain. This means that the blockage in the oil glands (Meibomian glands) is still there, although no longer infected. Remedies that have been shown to have the power to dissolve these blockages and therefore remove the resulting cysts include:


STAPYSAGRIA The top remedy where the stye doesn’t break, but remains a

                           hard nodule.

                          This remedy can also help prevent recurrences of Styes.

                           (SILICA and CONIUM can as well)


CONIUM is a general remedy for hard nodes remaining after Styes. There

                  Is usually some degree of droopy or unreactive eyelids.


THUJA is known as a superior remedy for tumours and cysts on the eyelids.







Chalazions, which are also called “Meibomian cysts” appear gradually as a painless swelling or nodule on either the upper or lower eyelid. They can disappear without treatment but in most cases Chalazions tend to recur, even after being surgically removed. Homeopathy has the power to prevent such tendencies and can treat Chalazions without surgery.


Remedies for Chalazion


APIS for (any) upper eyelid swelling in early stages.


STAPYSAGRIA where cysts appear as painless nodules in the eyelids. It is

                          most useful when the swelling is very red and ‘fleshy’.


THUJA will dissolve more than half of all such nodules.


BARYTA CARB (in high potency) for small, very hard ones (also CONIUM)


The duration of treatment for Styes and Chalazions varies from case to case depending on how long it has been present, the underlying cause and the general immunity and tendency for reoccurrence.

